Sunday, September 6, 2009


We Labored.

Between the last 2 weekends,we finished one side, put up the pressure treated 2x10 for the back deck, ( I fell ) put the trim around that wood, ran the siding up some more over the "deck" (could have finished the side, but left the mount for the light fixture at the "old" house), put up more siding along the side wall near the deck, ran up the back side bedroom ( got really windy...let see....high ladders, a big sail in your hand equals a 25 foot fall. I had the 10 foot fall last weekend, so I do not want to press the luck), put up more ceiling drywall (again, LOVE that lift !!), and my father-in-law came by and put up a few outside carriage lights (they do look good, got them at a sales at Lowes!)

Will follow up with some pictures when I can get them off the phone. I left my stuff at work to do that and I do not want to make a special trip.

We are off the beaten path a bit, so there I am banging nails in the siding, my helper comes over and tells me there are some men in the front (my helper then goes back to the HotWheels). I see 2 people in a truck ( did the "No Tresspassing" sign mean anything? ). They want to rake my pine straw (get off my land), they tell me times are tough (get off my land...damn left the bang stick at the old house), I agree with them and tell them politely that we have someone that takes care of the straw. They then want to help me, (your still here?), but I tell them no thanks and the crew will be here shortly. They leave ( Finally ), got the plate number in case of any missing items. We have not had any issue in the 1.5 year construction so far and I want to keep it that way. My crew arrives about 30 minutes later with the hot dogs for grillin...they were good!

Pictures were Updated !

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